Super mario galaxy 120 stars
Super mario galaxy 120 stars

super mario galaxy 120 stars

Being comets, they'll soon move on and you'll have missed your chance. The Prankster Comet stars won't be covered, since they're earned by replaying certain levels when those cheeky comets are nearby, but if you're determined to find all 120 stars in the game you're advised to jump back into those levels when you see a comet nearby. Instead, this will be your overview of where the stars are, both obvious and hidden, and the best ways to get them. This won't be a step-by-step walkthrough - we'd like to think if you're smart enough to be reading this, you'll be smart enough to know how to jump over obstacles. Which brings us to this, Part One of our guide to all those elusive Power Stars and Grand Stars in Mario's gravity-warping space adventure. Now, fear not - Eurogamer isn't turning into a cheats and tips site but, as with Bioshock, we'd be damn fools to ignore the fact that a lot of you are going to be playing the same game, and a lot of you might be looking to your benevolent Euromasters for guidance not just on what games to buy, but also how to get the most out of them. What do you mean, you haven't? Can't find a Wii in any shops? What sort of excuse is that? Why do you think God invented burglary? Get out there, get a Wii, get Super Mario Galaxy and get back here.

Super mario galaxy 120 stars